Kiki’s Vacation

Kiki’s Vacation

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Join Kiki in her trip to a lovely island and help her to relax and distract herself from her troubles and worries. On this magnificent island you are going to try out various activities, such as communicating with the local people, fishing, doing sports and more.

Apart from that the game offers you to renovate her house, using clams that you can gather with the net on the beach. Though you should consider that collecting clams takes some time, so while your net is filling up with some, why don’t you go and entertain yourself? And when you gather enough, spend them on beautiful decorations that will enthral Kiki.

You can even post some photos from your vacation on the local web! Choose the place where you would like to take a photo and bring your new friends to capture not only your emotions, but theirs as well. And after a walk, go to chill in the spa!

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